Title details
Title: Project Soft Power – Learn the Secrets of the Great Projet Leaders
Author: Jeremie Averous
Pages: 224
ISBN 978-981-07-1539-7
Published – May 2012
“I would strongly recommend this book to anybody who is aspiring to move up the ladder in any project organization towards management positions”
– Babu Surendran, Senior Project Director
Project Soft Power
A concept that will change your life as a project leader!
Why is Project Soft Power important to the project management community?
YOUR PROBLEM: The rate of failure of projects remains unseemly high. The conventional analytical approaches are clearly not sufficient.
THE QUESTION: What makes successful project managers so reliable?
THE SOLUTION: It is not by developing further more detailed, more clever analytical methods. Extensive research identified the practices of Project Soft Power as the most important success factors.
Project Soft Power just makes the difference between Luck and Certainty, between Mediocrity and Consistent Success, between Average and Great
The Book
Built around a lively, realistic project story, the short and powerful Project Soft Power book provides the project management community with clear insights, self-assessments, simple approaches and tools to apply these groundbreaking new practices of Project Soft Power.
Book preview
Visit www.ProjectSoftPower.com for more information about the book, sneak preview of some sections, and additional information such as the Project Soft Power workbook.
Useful links
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“This book make you realise how important your behaviour is relatively to your Team and how it can impact the success of a Project. It also makes you realise the power of a Team as opposed to the assembly of individual strengths. The Project Manager alone as good he may be will not be enough to influence the outcome of the Project.”
– Franck Louvety, Senior Project Director.